Registration Questions & Answers
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*IMPORTANT – Please read all information contained below* To all potential inspectors, thank you for confirming your registration for the Badging and Training event in Dallas, TX! We look forward to your participation in our shared effort to assist the victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in their recovery and rebuild. Before you commit your time, efforts and money to becoming an inspector, please consider the following background, fingerprinting, and badging processing requirements for joining this outstanding team:
- You must be a US citizen.
- If you were born outside the US, please bring both your US Passport and Naturalization Certificate.
- Inspector candidates will undergo and must pass a Background Check, Fingerprint Identification, and a Credit Check. A felony conviction in the past 5 years may prohibit your success.
- If you have concerns about your credit history, please review your credit report. Address and resolve any credit discrepancies or issues that are past due prior to arriving in Dallas, such as, but not limited to:
- Delinquent federal debt, such as taxes or school loans
- Child or Alimony delinquency
- An active bankruptcy
- You must present TWO (2) forms of valid unexpired ID, including at least ONE from the Primary Group below. No photocopies will be accepted. All forms of ID must be original or notarized copies. You will be required to provide your full legal name, including a middle name, if applicable. The exact same name must be listed on each of your IDs, including hyphenated, married, or maiden names. If your name has been legally changed, a third ID will be required.
- Valid State-issued Driver’s License
- U.S. Passport
- Temporary Driver’s License(Must be notarized)
- Passport card
- Military ID
- Social Security Card (Cannot be laminated)
- Birth Certificate (Must be original or certified copy)
- Global Entry Card
- TWIC Card
- Concealed Weapon License
- Any Federal Government Issued Photo ID (i.e. Veterans Affairs Card)
- Merchant Marine Document Card (MMD)
- Voter Registration Card
- Temporary Social Security (Must be notarized)
- Any State-Issued ID card
- Native American Tribal Document
- If you need to rent a vehicle, you must have a valid driver’s license and a credit card. You may also use your personal vehicle at your discretion.
- You will be responsible for paying your living and travel expenses until Vanguard Housing Inspection Services processes your reimbursement. Reimbursements for valid expenses will be processed only after you submit your weekly expense reports. Reimbursement occurs 10 days AFTER the invoice is processed (at 11:00 Eastern Time every Tuesday) on Fridays.
- Important: you must be able to support yourself during the first three weeks until your expenses are reimbursed. Reimbursable costs that you may incur may include:
- Hotel – if you choose to stay in one
- Meals & Incidentals
- Rental Car & Fuel – if you choose to rent one
- If you need to rent a vehicle, you must have a valid driver’s license and a credit card. You may also use your personal vehicle at your discretion.
- Sign up for a class date on
- Confirm your appointment per email instructions from
- Make your own travel arrangements. Inspectors that have confirmed their arrival date can call National Travel (1-800-269-1442) and select Training to make arrangements. If you have not confirmed your registration with VIS you will not be on the list. Travel Code is ADJUDICATE. No hardships will be given or are necessary as you must self-pay. You must follow the VIS Travel Policy and always use the most economical method of transportation. Please refer to the VIS Travel Policy for additional questions.
- Pack and bring appropriate clothing, medicine, and any items that you will need to sustain yourself in the field for at least 2-3 weeks.
- Travel to Dallas and check in with the staff by 8PM the night before your scheduled class.
- Follow the signs to the Vanguard Check-in and Forms Desk in the conference room at the hotel.
- Check-in with Vanguard IS.
- Complete your business forms and government background forms.
- Receive your Vanguard ID card.
- Sign up for your Fingerprinting Appointment.
- Attend your Fingerprinting Appointment.
- Complete the required Expense Training. You can choose to attend before or after your Fingerprinting Appointment.
- Phase I is complete.
- FEMA will conduct the background check over a period-of-time to determine if you’re approved or denied. The period for completing the background check by FEMA varies.
- Check on your results daily at the Background Results desk, and watch out for emails and text messages from Vanguard IS or EverBridge.
- If your background check results in a denial, you will be released to return home. Valid expenses will be reimbursed up to the day that you are denied, including valid travel home.
- If you are approved, you need to schedule your Badging Appointment immediately at the badging scheduling desk.
- Sign up for your Pre-deployment Training at the Check-in desk. It is first-come-first-serve, and it is recommended you attend the class prior to your Badging Appointment.
- Attend your Badging Appointment.
- Return to visit the Vanguard Check-Out Desk.
- Receive instruction for your deployment.
- Phase 2 is complete.
- Deploy and arrive at the field office within 24 hours, or sooner.
- Check-in will occur at the following location between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm:
- Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Conference Center
- 1800 TX Highway 26E
- Grapevine, TX 76051
- You will be traveling to the FEMA offices for fingerprinting. At FEMA offices, required dress code is professional/casual – no t-shirts, no shorts, and no tank tops.
- You cannot bring weapons of any kind including mace and pocket knives (FEMA directive).
- Appointments at FEMA must be scheduled, and FEMA may dismiss you from the facility at any time.
- You must complete the required online training modules for deployment that can be found at Vanguard IS University PRIOR to being reimbursed for any expenses.
- Check-in and schedule your Fingerprint Appointment on the first day that you arrive.
- Attend your scheduled Fingerprint Appointment – do not miss your 1st appointment.
- Check on your approval status each day after your Fingerprint Appointment.
- If you are denied, you are released to return home. You will not receive the stipend.
- If you are approved, you must schedule your Badging Appointment on the same day that you learn that you are approved.
- Complete your required training.
- Attend your scheduled Badging Appointment – do not miss your appointment.
- Once you receive your FEMA Badge, return to the VIS site to check-out and then deploy to the field office or disaster site within 24 hours.
- You must complete an approved inspection.