Frequent Questions & Their Answers
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Currently Vanguard is working to secure a field operations center for training. Once a center has been established, Vanguard will deploy staff in waves for training and badging procedures. You will either be contacted by a JV Partner point-of-contact or receive a call from an 800 number. Please respond immediately once contacted.
Follow your corporate standard procedures for expense reporting. Both Atkins and Louis Berger require employees to decline insurance, however, independent contractors must provide their own, since FEMA will not directly reimburse.
Follow your corporate standard procedures for travel. In addition, you must adhere to the Vanguard Travel Policy. Be aware it must apply to GSA per diem restrictions (unless waived by FEMA); compact car or smaller, one-way travel reservations, lowest reasonable airfare. Detail instructions will be issued prior to deployment.
Step 1) follow the registration process in the portal. Step 2) When you register on the portal, you will receive an email from Tr******@va*********.com with instructions on how to access VanguardEM University and conduct on-line courses which will you will need to log-in and complete for your on-site training. If you don’t get this email within 24 hours, send an email to Training at the above email. At a minimum, please complete the ACE4 Training videos. NOTE: reimbursement from FEMA for training is still being negotiated. Take the following modules in Vanguard IS University at some point:
- Acceptable Damage Descriptions Acknowledgment
- Inspector Invoicing and Expenses
- General Conduct and Ethics
- Vanguard IS Safety Orientation
- PII and Privacy Awareness
- ACE4 Inspector Training Video Parts 1-4
- ACE4 Tablet
- ACE4 Application Part 1
- ACE4 Application Part 2
- Business Code of Ethics
- Privacy Notice
- Non-Disclosure Agreement -Inspector NDA
- Independent Contractor Agreement
- Training Requirements
- VIS Travel Policy
- Customer Service
- Typical Flood Damages
- Habitability Repairs Required
- Habits of a Successful Inspector
- Interacting with the Applicant
No, you do not HAVE to complete it prior to being deployed, but it will enhance the on-site training and help you decide if this is indeed something you think you want to do. If you can do it, the most helpful would be the 4 ACE4 modules. NOTE: reimbursement from FEMA for training is still being negotiated.
Please reach out to ba********@va*********.com with your full name and inspector ID number to confirm your status with FEMA.
Step 1) Follow the registration process in the portal. The ABSOLUTE MINIMUM you must enter in the portal for BADGING is your full name, primary residence, gender, social security number, city and state of birth, email address, and phone number. Step 2) We are awaiting direction from FEMA regarding an expedited process. Please assure you meet the below criteria and have the required documents. Note: You must be a United States citizen to work on the FEMA HIS contract. Bring the following:
- Two forms of ID with at least one being a government-issued picture ID. Driver’s license along with passport, social security card, or birth certificate are recommended. Attached is a list of acceptable forms of ID.
- If you were born outside of the United States, you must also bring a copy of proof of U.S. citizenship. Acceptable documents include a valid U.S. passport, a naturalization certificate or a U.S. citizen born abroad birth certificate.