Published on: May 25, 2017

The Inspector Dashboard is here!

Inspector Dashboard

What is the Inspector Dashboard?
The Inspector Dashboard, also known as The routing and scheduling portal (RaSP), allows a deployed inspector to schedule and route inspections by utilizing our user friendly interface. The Dashboard also houses the Report Card page which shows individual inspector statistics by disaster and includes information such as completed inspections, turnaround time, QC scores, CCOR’s and FCOR’s.
Take training!
Please navigate to our on-line Vanguard IS University and complete module – INS_5023 Inspector Dashboard, prior to registering on the new Dashboard site.
Check it Out and Register!
To navigate to the Inspector Dashboard click on Existing Inspector and then click on the inspector dashboard icon on the right hand side of the page.

  •  The first time you visit the Inspector Dashboard you must register by clicking on “Register as a new user? “at the bottom of the page.
  • Enter your Inspector Portal email address
  • Enter your Vanguard ID, located on the Inspector Portal under My Profile\Account info
  • This number is labeled as Nemis ID (A 9 digit number that starts with a V).

For technical questions or difficulties, please contact
If you feel the inspector scorecard information is incorrect please contact