Frequent Questions & Their Answers
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How soon will I receive my “e-QIP” instructions from FEMA Security?
Once Vanguard IS submits the request to FEMA Security, your “e-QIP” background investigation should be initiated by FEMA Security within 72 hours. Upon initiation of your “e-QIP” your Security Specialist will contact you by email as mentioned above, and by phone to confirm receipt of the email instructions. Vanguard will send you a confirmation email as well upon notification that your “e-QIP” has been initiated.
Who will send me my “e-QIP” background investigation instructions?
Your “e-QIP” background investigation will be initiated and processed directly between FEMA Security and you. Your investigation will be assigned to a Security Specialist who will send you your “e-QIP” instructions via email. In addition to your regular inbox, be sure to check your spam folder as well.
Will I have to be fingerprinted?
Yes, submitting fingerprints is a requirement of the “e-QIP” background investigation process. Even if you have submitted fingerprints previously, they are usually considered no longer valid after 12 months. You can confirm the need for fingerprints with your Security Specialist.
Will they check my credit?
Yes. A credit check is a requirement of the “e-QIP” background investigation process.
What if I have completed an “e-QIP” background investigation for another job or contract?
When we submit your information to FEMA Security, they will evaluate what you have already completed for a different job or contract and let you know 1) if it satisfies the requirements for this contract, and 2) what additional information, if any, is needed to meet the requirements for this contract.
I have started or completed an “e-QIP” background investigation with PB Disaster Services. Do I need to do another one for Vanguard?
No, you do not. One investigation works for both contractors. Once you have received your badge, contact us and let us know. We can request an update to your badged status from FEMA Security.
I completed fingerprints and “e-QIP” under the old contract. Why do I have to do it again?
The security requirements on this contract have changed and fingerprint cards expire. If FEMA finds that you have a current investigation on file, they will let us know. Otherwise, you would need to complete the process again. However, the information from your previous “e-QIP” will populate in the “e-QIP” system and will simply require an update.
Do I have to complete an “e-QIP” background investigation?
Yes. You would need to receive a “favorable” determination as a result of an “e-QIP” background investigation and obtain a FEMA badge to become eligible for deployment. FEMA and the OPM (Office of Personnel Management) will initiate and process your “e-QIP” background investigation.